Creating a Healthy Environment
For Your Home

Is your home a haven or is it making you ill?

With a healthy home assessment you can find out with certainty and learn what to do about it effectively.

We use professional equipment, thorough assessment methods and scientific testing so you can be assured of the results.

And it’s all backed by a friendly, personal & professional approach to dealing with clients.

– Certified Mould Tester Technician with the ASBB


Mould and Moisture Assessments

Pre-Purchase / Pre-Lease Home Assessment

Healthy Home Assessment

Do You Or Members of Your Family Suffer From ...

Did you know all of these signs can be connected to mould and/ or toxins in your environment?

Even if you are in a new home ...

It’s important to know that “sustainable and energy efficient” does not mean it’s healthy.

In fact new homes or airtight homes (think condensation) can be a prime breeding ground for mould or toxin related illnesses.

If you have concerns about how mould or toxins in everyday products may be affecting you or your families health then contact us today to see how we can help.

What Our Past Clients Have Said

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0410 891 934


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